Thermal Management of Electrification Technologies (TherMET)

Holistic component-to-system training scope addressing thermal issues and extreme cold/hot weather effects across multiple levels in the battery and EV value chain

Training Objectives

Industry-Relevant Curricula

Experiential Learning

Professional Skills

Research Pillars

Pillar 1

Pillar 2

Pillar 3

Thermal management innovations in battery packs, onboard EV electronics, and electric motors
Intelligent EV thermal management strategies and integration technologies tolerant to extreme cold/hot weather
Stationary battery applications and repurposing

Participating Professors

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry
Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (UWindsor)

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (Ontario Tech University)

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Industry Partners


Ford Canada: Jimi Tjong

Lion Electric: Yannick Poulin

Covestro: Ignacio Osio

eCAMION: Carmine Pizzurro

Tesla: Aydin Nabovati

Flex-N-Gate: Jack Bekou

Yukon Solar Corporation: Kyle Marchuk

Purdue University: Amy Marconnet

NUS: Poh Seng Lee

NREL: Sreekant Narumanchi and Ahmad Pesaran

ESPUM: Audrey Smargiassi

NRC: Dean MacNeil

Yukon University: Michael Ross

University of Toronto: Angela Mashford-Pringle

Ontario Tech University: Martin Agelin-Chaab

CUTRIC: Abishek Raj

CHEC: John Sherin

Yukon Government: Matthew Ooms

The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout: Michelle Larose

Sioux Lookout Friendship Accord Corporation: Jack Dockstator

NSERC Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Nous remercions le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) de son soutien.